Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cute Cutie Pie Camryn

This adorable little girl that is with Elder Nathaniel Gardner is Camryn Marie Gardner, whose birthday is today! Happy Birthday, Camryn! She is 5 years old, and she is wonderful. She has definitely stolen her daddy Joel's heart, and we are so grateful she is part of our family.

Camryn is a fashionista. She loves having her hair done and doing hair. I had the privilege of having her do my hair the last time we were in Ann Arbor, and it was fun to have her do it (especially learning that I had to have my hair sprayed with water). She is very gentle and very focused. She also is very creative. I don't know that my hair will ever look as good as it did with Camryn's creative skills! She uses them on her My Little Ponies also. I am pretty sure she got Grandpa to play My Little Ponies with her.

Camryn has lots of friends, and she is a very good hostess. She likes to play with dolls, stuffed animals, and ponies. She also is very tidy. I have watched her make her bed without being asked, and I am pretty impressed that she can do that as a young lady.

When we first got our Mac computers, we played with the special effects and Camryn had fun with them:

If you look at her eyes you can see how they sparkle with fun ideas. She is the epitome of creativity, and she is such a social little duck that it's fun to watch her in action.

Camryn is also a leader. She's a good example to her little brother Christian and I know she is very excited to have a new baby in the family. She will take very good care of her new baby brother when he comes in February.

I wish I had some more pictures of just Camryn alone! I think I'll steal a few from Heather's blogsite.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to our precious little Camryn! You are a joy to us!!!!!!


Heather said...

I love my Camryn! She is such a delight to me. She is a girl through and through. She is all the above and more. She laughed when I showed her the pictures on Gammy's blog.

I can't believe she's 5!

Cristie said...

Can you please email me some more pix of her? I want to post some of the princessy ones that show more of how adorable she is!