Monday, January 26, 2009

Our Lovely Lori

Lori Caldwell Gardner joined our family on December 29, 1995, and we are SO glad David found her! I don't know what is wrong with my picture transfer-ability, so you may have to squint to see Lori. These pictures are super small, even though I upload them as large! Anyway, Lori is absolutely wonderful!

Oh how I love this girl! She's a terrific wife and mother, always full of good ideas and always welcoming. I'm sure that it is a daunting matter to face an influx of Gardner Clan invading their house, but she's always excited to have us (or at least she puts up a really convincing front!).

For me, it's fun to share the story of how she and David got together. They had a couple of classes together at Utah State: I think they were gymnastics and ballroom dance maybe? Lori, you'll have to correct me on that if I'm wrong. Anyway, David got his mission call (it came to our home in Billings Montana) and he went around, asking everyone he could find if they would bring him out so he could personally open his call. No one took his generous offer of free gas, except for kindhearted Lori. They arrived at about 3:00 in the morning, exhausted from the drive, after having narrowly avoided hitting a moose on the road. We were very impressed with Lori: her personality was so engaging and she was wonderful to meet, even at that super early hour. I remember Stan and I saying to each other, "It's too bad she's not going to be around when David gets back from his mission!"

Well, through a series of miracles, Lori WAS around when Dave got back, and he was a goner right from the start. Actually, I think they fell in love sometime around the middle of his mission, and it was just a matter of time before they moved forward to marriage. Lori and Dave have five absolutely adorable kidlets: Joseph, Sarah, Jacob, Bekah, and Emily. We love being with their family.

Lori is always finding amazing deals. She knows where to get great coupons, and she has created a stash of awesome gifts and presents for the family with some of her wonderful purchases. She feeds the family beautifully with wonderful homemade breads and home-canned or frozen peaches or strawberries. One of my favorite meals is crepes at their house. I imagine Lori will get those for breakfast herself in the near future if not today, because I think crepes are the family special birthday breakfast! This is Lori with Melodie, Josh's wife. Lori is holding their youngest, Emily. I love how all of "our girls" get along so well with each other. When we are all together, it seems like heaven to me.

This is a picture Lori took of herself with the Mac computer. I'm glad she doesn't REALLY look that way! I love watching Lori and David dance. They are really good. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of them dancing, but fortunately, I can edit the blog if I find a picture later! Lori, the happiest of birthdays to you! We love you and are very grateful for you.


Emilie Gardner said...

Happy birthday Lori!! I love you!!!

Miss Melodie said...

Happy Birthday! I am so glad I get to look up to you. You always have such wonderful advice and are a shining example of what Motherhood is really about.

Heather said...

Happy birthday to the domestic goddess of the family!