Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Democrats for a Day

Well, we just did something I never thought we'd do...we changed our party affiliation, just so we could do our tiny little bit NOT to get a certain someone elected! It was really pretty hilarious--we went to the polls early this morning . Right off the bat they asked us what party we were. We thought that was a little nosy. Isn't that supposed to be a private thing? And who said we have to tell at the voting booths? Eh? So we were a little bit annoyed that they asked, but apparently in the primaries you have to vote straight party.

So...let me backtrack a little bit. Our foster son Land is living with us for a while. He's big into politics (Republican politics) and he went down to Columbus to visit with party headquarters about possible job options for him in this swing state. The party head made mention that inasmuch as we have a de facto candidate for the Republican party, he was thinking of switching just to make sure that we had as good a chance as possible in November. Then last weekend we went to Joel and Heather's and heard Joel talking about the perspectives of one of the folks there whose doctorate is in international politics or something like that. This guy feels the best choice is the one who will do the best in international relationships, where we aren't doing too well right now, and he had a strong opinion on who would do the best job.

To make a long story short, this guy's perspective struck home with Stan and me, and we decided to vote for our best, least favorite candidate. When we got to the polls, and learned we couldn't do that unless we changed parties, we had a quick conference outside the doors in the cold, then marched inside and asked, "Where do we sign?" A few moments later, we were handed a Democrat ballot. That's the first one I've ever seen! It didn't take long and we were on our way. I forgot to ask though--how long before we can switch back? Yikes!


Matt said...

Who did you vote for? Just wondering.

Cristie said...

I'll tell you in an instant message on Google. Other than that, it'll just be our little secret, ok? ;)