Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Radiant Rachel Lovina

This is Josh and Melodie's little girl, Rachel Lovina, who was born two years ago on May 22. She is full of wisdom and mischief and creativity, all bundled together in an adorable little red-headed girl!

We were all so excited when Rachel was born. She has three brothers, two of whom were born before she was, so it was fun for Melodie to have a little girl doll to dress up. Rachel can hold her own, however, with three brothers. She can dig in the dirt and draw with sidewalk chalk right alongside them. Recently, I watched her baby brother Joshua James while Rachel and Adam and Jarom pulled dandelions with their Aunt Brit. Each filled their buckets and then dumped them out in the trash by the side of the yard. It was fun to be an onlooker with those three busy little people, helping enthusiastically.

For Christmas, Rachel received her own tiny violin. She LOVES her violin! She is scheduled to begin lessons this year, and she is very ready to play. Her violin is so tiny and it is so fun to see her hold it and care for it. I am excited to attend her first recital.

Rachel is blessed to have a very wonderful family. Her brothers love her and her parents do such a great job with their four little ones. We love you Rachel! Have a Happy Happy Birthday!


Heather said...

Wow, how freak'n cute are my little nieces and nephew! You're such a great gammy. You're going to be a very BUSY gammy sooner than later too. It'll be a full time job keeping up with the spotlights soon!

Josh said...

Thanks for the post, Mom. We love it. Have a great week!

Emilie Gardner said...

That last picture of her is darling!