Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Surprise Birthday Blog, Heather!

Here's a tribute to one of the funnest people I know, and she happens to be my daughter-in-law! We knew she was meant to be part of our family from the moment Joel came home from a church dance. I think he was fourteen and he was in LOVE. By the time he was fifteen, he informed me he was going to marry Heather.
To know Heather is to get it straight--no hype, no pretense, just
great common sense and a dose of reality. She is inventive,
creative, and
she works incredibly hard, always learning, always thinking, always figuring out ways to make things better. I love how she organized their tiny apartment so that it looks gorgeous (on the inside--I can't say much for the weathered exterior!), and it is functional and efficient. She has exquisite taste.

Heather is an exceptional mom. She loves the kids and is always doing fun things with them. She is consistent in her discipline and she is fearless in their defense. But boy, if they are on the wrong side of the line she sets them straight quickly and kindly--a hard thing to do. I love watching her snuggle with the kidlets and it's fun to see how much she enjoys being a mom.

Joel is blessed to have Heather for his wife. Not everybody can get through medical school, especially with kids, jobs, and all the hassles of study, no sleep, no money. She has taken everything in stride and just rolls with the punches. These two know each other so well, and are great friends. Their relationship is supportive and understanding and it's enjoyable to spend time in their home.

Heather inspires me in so many ways! She always looks fantastic, even when she's cleaning the house in scrubs. She's classy and sassy. She uses her brain and she loves figuring stuff out. I'm so grateful for you Heather! Have a fabulocity of a birthday (one of her words) on April 18th!


Brit said...

yes yes! Heather you are an inspiration to me!!! Have an awesome friday!!!!!

Emilie Gardner said...

Love you Heather!!!! Happy birthday!!

Heather said...

All lies...except the part about how ugly my apartment is on the outside!

Joel read me (over the phone) the paragraph today about how I'm taking this whole med school/residency thing in "stride." We both laughed because...let's just say it was a little ironic based on the conversation we were having! I don't think I'm taking things in "stride." At least not lately!

You're so thoughtful and CREATIVE with the kind words you share - you are an author after all!

Thanks - you're a wonderful mother-in-law and friend!


Brit said...

Heather...we all feel like we're inadequate and not as strong or great or creative or clean or patient or fabulous as maybe other people see us to be. that's why we need each other: to have people remind us what is great about us!!

Cristie said...

Ah,Heather, you know I never lie! From my perspective it's all truth, so you're either more than you realized you were or you are pulling everyone's legs! Just remember, sometimes "take things in stride" means "just get through." There will be ups and downs, but knowing that makes the downs that much easier and more purposeful. Ebb and flow, up and down, everything has its opposite or we'd be in a pretty boring life, I must say! You are ALL fantastic!